The story that gave rise to this book was first a dream, from there an idea was born and finally the concept that today is the work that we have been publishing annually since 2016 was achieved, which the collaborations collect in each edition of more than 100 leaders in companies.
The work that has the purpose, not only to collect and share the experiences and experiences of opinion leaders and executives, but also to support society, donating the benefits of the work to university students.
The founder Gustav Juul confesses that his dream started out of a somewhat self-centered interest in publishing a book on leadership issues, although he quickly found the idea of making a collaborative book much more interesting in which Founders, Presidents and CEOs of the most important companies important of Mexico are integrated as authors and share their experiences and experiences on any of the 12 topics that are chosen to treat each year.
That day we discovered not only the concept that has brought together more than 100 executives each year, but also what we wanted to achieve. They are not lectures, they are not complete lessons, they are just a tiny bit of what the leaders have found to be most important to them.
After the success that it quickly had, we asked ourselves: If this work is collaborative and generates a huge exposure as a company, why not donate the benefits to university students who are the future of our society? The answer was given alone and we have sought that the companies that have participated share our same ideology of helping society.
It is a clean and pure work. There is no advertising or sponsorship. The benefits are obtained only from the sale of the book and these are destined to the payment of the tuition fees of university students who meet the criteria of academic excellence and financial need.
This is our two cents as successful people supported by more than 100 other grains of sand from all the companies and leaders who decided to believe in this project. There are already more than 400 leaders who have participated in the works.
Every time I take any of the books in my hands, I am surprised and grateful to all the leaders who have believed in this project. It is a pride to see that there are so many people who want to share their experiences, advice and recommendations, with the sole objective that they serve as a source of inspiration for all readers, without receiving anything in return.
This project is taking more and more inertia, with interest in creating not only an edition in Mexico but also an International edition.
Time will tell where this journey takes us …